Introducing FWCC’s next General Secretary!

12 August 2021

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the new General Secretary of FWCC will be Tim Gee of Britain Yearly Meeting.

“Tim brings with him a broad range of experience working for organisations tackling issues of peace and social justice” says Simon C Lamb, Clerk of FWCC.

“He brings an exuberance and energy, and he brings a vision and desire to serve the global family of Friends which is grounded in a living, easily expressed faith in God.”

“I know that the job of General Secretary of FWCC is a big one, but all of us who serve on the Central Executive Committee and all of us who work in the World Office will be offering our support to Tim as he starts his new work. I pray that Friends from all across our Global Family will also welcome Tim as he travels amongst us in the years ahead.”

Tim joins FWCC from Amnesty International in the UK, before which he worked for Britain Yearly Meeting, Christian Aid and Friends of the Earth.

Tim has said: “Thank you to the Friends World Committee for Consultation for entrusting me with this role of service. To work for the global community of Friends that enables so many to know God’s love through the Quaker experience fills my heart with joy”

“Even in the face of global pandemics and crises, my hope is to support the global Quaker community to keep connecting and helping one-other and our neighbours in order to be the fertile ground in which the seeds of peace and justice will grow.”

Throughout the General Secretary search process we were gratified to receive applications from across the four FWCC Sections, offering broad diversity of gender, age, race, and Quaker traditions. We had an exceptionally strong pool of candidates, and would like to thank everyone who applied and supported the process.

Tim will begin his employment at FWCC in January 2022, ahead of which Susanna Mattingly will serve as Acting General Secretary.

Please join us in welcoming Tim to FWCC!