Friends around the world

Friends Around the World is a directory of Yearly Meetings and unaffiliated Monthly Meetings.

The family of Friends is beautifully diverse. It is indeed our strength. We need each other – for sustenance and companionship, to broaden our perspective of what it means to be a Quaker, and to give us hope in a world of great challenge. As we imagine peace and justice in our world, we need to know that each of our actions contributes to a greater whole, a wholeness we share in the abundant God we worship.

Friends Around the World helps us stay in touch with each other, promoting intervisitation and communication. It is a directory of Yearly Meetings and unaffiliated Monthly Meetings. For details of local meetings, visit the relevant Yearly Meeting’s website. This website exists alongside Section websites which also provide contact information.

Find out more at the website

You can download a copy of the Quaker map, Finding Quakers Around the World here.