Registration for the FWCC World Plenary is now closed.
Here are the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help online participants join and navigate the online part of the event with ease.
If you are coming to South Africa in person, please subscribe to our WhatsApp daily announcement channel. Important last-minute updates to the programme and any other news that arises at the event affecting attendees on-site will be posted here.
If you have a further question, clarification or correction please email [email protected].
What is the FWCC World Plenary Meeting?
The FWCC World Plenary Meeting (WPM) is a meeting for representatives from all four FWCC Sections to undertake FWCC business, surrounded by worship and fellowship with Friends from around the world.
When is the World Plenary Meeting?
5-12 August 2024.
Can I join just some of the WPM if I join online?
Yes. We understand that online participants will in some cases be balancing other responsibilities. We would advise though that if you join a home group that you always try to make it.
If you are coming only for one day we recommend the Sunday, which will include a big international act of worship, hosted by the Africa Section.
How do I take part from a different time zone?
To join from a different time zone you have two options – one is to book the week off from other activities, and think yourself in to South African time and join ‘live’.
Perhaps the more attractive option is to watch recorded sessions played-back and join online-only opportunities for home-groups and worship tailored to different time zones.
What is an online ‘hub’?
A ‘hub’ is a place where three or more people join the event through a single internet connection. It could be a Friends Church, Quaker Meeting House, retreat centre or private home. Further information on hubs can be found here. To register to become a World Plenary Meeting hub, please complete this form.
What is on the agenda of the World Plenary Meeting?
Three interrelated strands will inform the World Plenary Meeting: ubuntu/community, healing historical injustice and care for creation. We expect that these discussions will combine into an epistle or minute to be shared with all Friends everywhere.
Here is the final on-site programme. Here is the online programme.
Programa del evento en sitio en español. Programa del evento en línea en espanol.
How much does it cost to attend the World Plenary Meeting?
Online places are ‘pay as led’, with a recommended base-fee of $130 USD in higher income countries and $13 USD in lower income countries. We also ask for a registration fee of $130 or $13 for hubs.
Do I need to be nominated by my Yearly Meeting to attend the World Plenary Meeting in person?
You do not need to be nominated by your Yearly Meeting for an online place at the World Plenary Meeting.
We will however request a ‘travelling minute’ from your local meeting, so we know that you are being upheld, and the email address of your local Quaker clerk, to verify that you are part of a worshipping Quaker community.
What languages will the World Plenary Meeting be in?
The Conference languages will be English, Spanish and KiSwahili.
What kind of worship will there be at the World Plenary Meeting?
Worship will include many of the forms used by Friends worldwide. This will include unprogrammed expectant ‘waiting’ worship, programmed worship featuring pre-prepared hymns and sermons, and semi-programmed worship combining the two.
Are there opportunities to be of service to FWCC in the WPM preparations?
Yes. Once bookings are closed we will be seeking a number of Friends to help serve in different roles at the event itself, including with home groups and pastoral care.
Is there a ‘community agreement’ for the WPM?
Yes. You can find it here: World Plenary Meeting Community Agreement.
Se puede encontrarlo aquí en español.
How will the outcomes of the World Plenary Meeting be shared and acted on?
The unifying ask of the next World Quaker Day (2 October 2024) will be to share the World Plenary Meeting epistle and act on whatever is decided. Please do put it in your diary already.
I have more questions – who should I send my questions to?
Email any additional questions to: [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer.
Click here to read the World Plenary Meeting Study Guide on “Living the Spirit of Ubuntu: Responding with hope to God’s call to cherish creation and one another”. Click here for a poster on the theme.
Click here for some resources for the “Ubuntu” thematic strand of the World Plenary Meeting.
Click here for some resources for the “Healing and Repairing Relationships in light of Historic and Continuing Injustice” thematic strand of the World Plenary Meeting.
Click here for some resources for the “Care of Creation” thematic strand of the World Plenary Meeting.