World Quaker Day 2024

This World Quaker Day, Sunday 6 October 2024, Friends everywhere are invited to watch, enjoy and share this short film about the outcomes of the World Plenary Meeting.

The documentary-making team has beautifully pieced together excerpts from the WPM epistleYoung Adult Friends epistleweaving document and prayer, all of which are available in the conference languages, KiSwahili, Spanish and English.

The epistle will be read at a semi-programmed online meeting for worship hosted by the Europe and Middle East Section, and an event in Uganda organised by the Africa Section. Both are open to all.   

Friends may also want to take part by singing from the World Quaker Songbook. To learn the tunes, listen to Quaker and musician, Amy Duckett Wagner sing the songs on our YouTube channel.

Finally, Friends who wish to engage more deeply with the themes discussed at the World Plenary can watch the videos of speakers’ prepared ministry also on YouTube.