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Planning for George Fox’s 400th Birthday

September 27, 2022 @ 12:00 pm UTC+0

July 2024 will mark 400 years since the birth of George Fox.

This online creative planning session will explore how Friends would like to mark the event, and share what you are planning already, what resources you would like and what ideas would fill you with anticipation.

Following this session FWCC will start compiling these ideas into a programme, which will grow as events are planned between now and then.

Corresponding meeting times:

7am Philadelphia / 12pm London / 1pm Berlin/2pm Johannesburg / 3pm Nairobi / 5.30pm New Delhi / 8pm Perth / 9pm Seoul

If you cannot make the time of this session, we hope to hold a second session in April at an alternative time.

Event Details

September 27, 2022 @ 12:00 pm UTC+0